🎓 Definition
A promotion plan is a document that defines, for each media, what are the promotions that will take place throughout the calendar year.
The promotion plan covers both all categories and all media, the total number of promotions, and the number of promotions by categories (see share of voice). An advanced Promotion plan will also segment the promotions as much as possible. For example:
- How many of the promotions will be part of what each manufacturer suggests?
- How many will be seasonal?
- How many will be fully decided by the retailers?
- How many will be jointly decided between the retailer and the manufacturers?
- How many promotions by Brands
🎯 Promotion Plan: The End in Mind
Through the promotion plan (also sometimes called Communication Plan), retailers and manufacturers will convey the key messages that describe their Commercial Value proposition.
- Promises
- Positioning
- Price Image
The work Marketing and Merchandise Teams must do then is twofold:
1. Identify which categories will be used to convey which key message (see Category Role)
2. For each category, allocate the right share of voice and select supporting products and mechanics, depending on seasonality and events, to best convey these messages.
Of course, this works best when Category Managers already know how many promotions, they need to run during this year to achieve their yearly sales target and promotion sales contribution.
💡Promotion Plan: Building Steps
Before you start, make sure you have as much information and data about last year’s promotion results as possible.
Step 1: Build the calendar.
That is the easy part. Your calendar must detail every day and identify weekdays and weekends.
Step 2: Define the Events
There are at least 3 types of events you want to position on your Promotion Plam
- National Events: like National Day, Mother’s Day, etc...
- Local Events: the major local events in each geography where you have a footprint.
- Your Own Events: Anniversary, beauty fair, children’s fair, etc…
Step 3: Define the Event's objectives.
Of course, we want each event to generate additional sales. However, as much as we can, we want to define what are the specific objectives we want to reach with each event, as it will later help Teams to select the right products and promotion mechanics.
Some of the qualitative objectives we might want to integrate can be, for example:
- Number of transactions
- Number of items
- Basket Value
- Trade Up
- Trade across
- Frequency
Step 4: Define Your Media vehicles.
Your retail operations use several media to communicate with shoppers, from flyers to in-store signage through social media, websites, CRM campaigns, or apps.
Each of these media has its efficiency with different customer segments.
Some of the vehicles can be, for example:
- Flyers
- Digital Ads
- CRM Campaigns
- Radio or TV Ads
- …
Step 5: Breakdown the Events in Campaigns
One event can be addressed through several campaigns across several media. By doing such a breakdown, positioning them on your promotion plan, and taking into account last year’s performances – when there is history – you can already start defining each campaign’s KPI.
Step 6: Select the Media Vehicles Messages for each Campaign.
At this stage, we are not yet in the product selection, but we are defining, for each media vehicle, what message and what content type we will select.
Step 7: Define the number of Items by Category by Media vehicle.
This is at this stage that the share of voice metrics come into play. The more we want to emphasize a specific category, the more we will assign promotion items. At the same time, one will make sure that the number of items by category supports simultaneously the selected events, the strategic key messages, the seasonality, and the category sales objectives.
Step 8: Select the Promotional products.
This is only at this stage that the promotional products can be selected.
As one can see, the more the promotion plan is structured, the easier it is to select the products and mechanics that will guarantee an effective promotion event.
Step 9: Category Activity Plan.
For each category, the sum of all promo positioning across events and vehicles defines the Category Promotion Plan and comes as one of the components of the Category Activity Plan
Step 10: Vendor Promotion Plan.
When summing up all promotions across each vehicle by manufacturer, the Vendor Promotion Plan is built and comes as one of the components of the Vendor Activity Plan.
📈 Promotion Plan: Measuring performance.
Performance Dimension
As data now allows us to measure many things in many dimensions, one has to be clear about the dimensions in which we want promotions to be measured. The most common dimensions are:
- By Month
- By Event
- By Campaigns
- Vs. Last Year
These analyses are done at will by Stores, Categories, Vendors, and Brands.
Performance KPI
The most common KPIs used to measure promotion effectiveness, for Promotion Campaigns, Promotion Events, and Promotion products are:
- Sales Value
- Sales Contribution
- Market Share Differential
- Volume Differential
- Promotion Wallet Share
- Conversion Rate
- Total Basket Value
- Promotion Basket Value
- Shopping Frequency
💡 Promotion Plan: Process Overview

Most of the processes and measurements can be seamlessly managed through Lago and Ulys Customer Intelligence.
How are coupons distributed and promoted to customers?
Coupons are distributed and promoted to customers through various channels to maximize their reach and effectiveness. Retailers and manufacturers often utilize email marketing campaigns, direct mailings to homes, and in-store advertisements to distribute coupons directly to potential customers. Additionally, they may collaborate with online coupon websites, social media influencers, and affiliate marketing programs to expand their coupon distribution network. Promotions can also be highlighted through print media, radio, and television advertisements to attract a broader audience and encourage more customers to take advantage of the offered discounts.
What are the best practices for designing and implementing a successful coupon campaign?
Designing and implementing a successful coupon campaign requires careful planning and strategic execution. Retailers and manufacturers should consider several factors, such as defining clear objectives for the campaign, identifying the target audience, and selecting the most appropriate channels for distribution. It's essential to create compelling and attractive coupon offers that provide genuine value to customers while aligning with the brand's image and values. Timing is also crucial; launching coupon campaigns during peak shopping seasons or in conjunction with major holidays or events can increase their visibility and appeal. Additionally, monitoring and analyzing campaign performance metrics, such as redemption rates and customer engagement, can provide valuable insights for optimizing future coupon campaigns.
Are there any legal regulations or guidelines that retailers and manufacturers need to follow when offering coupons?
Yes, retailers and manufacturers must adhere to specific legal regulations and guidelines when offering coupons to ensure compliance with consumer protection laws and prevent coupon fraud. It's essential to provide accurate and transparent information about the discount terms, redemption conditions, and any restrictions associated with the coupon offer. Retailers should also ensure that the coupon expiration dates are clearly stated and enforceable to avoid any potential legal issues. Furthermore, implementing robust coupon validation and verification processes can help prevent misuse and unauthorized duplication of coupons, safeguarding the integrity of the coupon campaign and maintaining trust with customers.
🖥️ Make it happen in Ariane
Promotion Calendars and Promotion Analytics are available on both Ariane and Ulys Customer Intelligence solutions from Hypertrade.
How to access Promotion Calendars in Ariane
Step 1: Select the Campaign Analytics under the Promotion Menu.

Step 2: Select the Option in the Filter Menu and select the KPI, Shopper type, Campaign type, Filter type, and period you want to measure.

and here it is. Historical promotion results are displayed by month.

How to access Promotion Analytics in Ulys Customer Intelligence
Step 1: Select the Campaign Analytics under the Promotion Menu.

Step 2: Select the Option in the Filter Menu and select the KPI, Shopper type, Campaign type, Filter type, and period you want to measure.

And here it is. All of the campaigns implemented in the scope selected will appear on the Bubble graph and to see the performance of each Campaign, simply select the Campaign name at the top of the Table or select each Bubble and the KPIs will appear in the Table.

• 4 Ways to Maximize Campaign Result
• Promotion Intensity
• Campaign Analytics